At Little Szechuan 川國演藝 we have an extensive menu with something for just about everyone. The restaurant's menu features dishes from different regions of China, with some excellent Szechuan dishes like Spicy Chicken Wings, Spicy Pork Spareribs, Chicken with Chilies, Spicy Beef Noodle Soup, Cucumber Salad, Mapo Tofu. We also offer a large lunch specials menu, online ordering, dine-in and take-out, and has a private dining space downstairs which may be reserved for events. We accept catering order, happy to chat, call us any time.
Online ordering NOW enabled for pick-up. Just tell us what you want and we'll prepare it as fast as we can. All orders are manually confirmed by us directly. Find out in real-time when your food is ready. All orders are manually confirmed by us in real-time. Watch on-screen when your food is ready for pickup.